With over 250 Onyxia kills on my account, it was very disappointing when each new kill gave me the same old boring loot. Every time I saw it on the BMAH, I thought about bidding, but as I can easily solo it on several characters, I always let it go, telling myself, 'Maybe next time if you don't have it yet!'
On Thursday morning I opened up
The Undermine Journal's
Dath'Remar BMAH page to see
Reins of the Onyxian Drake up. I hadn't run Ony on my Priest and Shaman for the week yet, so I took Veluxia out there. I disconnected twice with Ony at less than 20%. I was grumpy when the mount didn't drop for me. (Surely I deserved it after that - As a Disc Priest!) This pretty much made the decision for me, but I still had my Shaman to run so I logged over to kill Ony and Kael'Thas. Neither mount dropped. It was 'next time' alright! I logged back over to Veluxia and placed the bid. I logged off for awhile, before coming back to play Luxygaga for raid. I totally forgot about the auction.
I checked
The Undermine Journal (
@UndermineJrnl) again before bed, knowing that new auctions would be up, but still not remembering about my bid. There was nothing new that interested me, I scrolled down a little to see what yesterday's auctions (whatever they were) sold for and it hit me. I saw the mount, 'OMG! That's my bid!' I quickly logged over to Veluxia, who was sitting at the mailbox.
How did I forget about this? |
Even though I knew I had bid 105k and the auction had ended at 105k, I still expected to open my mail and see my gold returned. The mount was waiting for me!
Finally! |
It's going to be a very long time before I step foot inside Onyxia's Lair again.
Grats Luxy!!!