Thursday, October 3, 2013

The Mount of 1000 Crass Jokes

After a few too many nights on Norushen with my sad Elemental DPS, I was feeling pretty sorry for myself. I'd been watching a Magic Rooster Egg on the AH for a few days. I wanted it, but I didn't want to pay the 350k that it started out at. The mount comes from the TCG Expansion: Fields of Honor. So if I was ever going to have it, it was going to be an AH purchase.

As the days went by, it was slowly reducing in price. The day I bought it, I had seen it at three different prices throughout the day. After raid when I looked it was 245k. 'OK! I'm going to do it!' I told myself. So I bought it. I rode around on it for a minute, linked it in guild and then logged out. It didn't make me feel better, in fact, I felt worse because I had spent so much gold on it!

A week later and I LOVE IT! LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOVE IT! For now, this chicken has taken Spectral Tiger's place as my go to ground mount.
FYI: It doesn't fly.


  1. Grats! That is a lot of gold. I had one on the PTR, they are fun to ride :)

  2. Grats! That is my all time favorite mount, if I were to ever spend oodles of gold on a mount, that would be it!

  3. Glad it was worth it. Sometimes you just need to splash out on yourself. I'm feeling pretty shit rotten at the moment, and I've got no idea how to pull myself out of it, and I have no money to waste - real or virtual (I have 11k on my account) - to make me feel better :P

    I have always wondered about this mount, though. I told myself if I ever got it I'd keep it - I have NEVER seen it in game - but then I also told myself I'd sell it because money has never been the kind of thing I've had much of.

    1. I think I would have a hard time redeeming the card if I found it in an actual pack!

  4. Massive gratz!! Its one of my favourite mounts and to be honest if I had the gold I would probably pay that much for it! (it's not real money after all).

    1. It's true it's not real money, but it still sometimes is hard to spend!

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