Tuesday, October 1, 2013

AMG! Achievements!

I've been playing other games, I won't lie. Other games have been taking all of the spare time that was once blogging time. I actually finished comics for the next 2 weeks though (Navi gets a break!) and managed to get some achievements this week. I put this post off all day, I just wanted to farm some rares in the time I was playing, but here it is!
Woo... LFR! >.>
I have such a hard time making myself do the Celestial Tourny each week. I didn't have to restart it this week though. Still, I can't wait to be done with it!
We got this on Flex on Sunday night, no one was expecting it so it was a nice surprise!
I was invited along to a H-HoF with some Btag friends, I was about to go out but decided to fill in for a DPS who had left. I wasn't expecting to do any old content this week!

This week I got 2 new pets. My warlock had enough Jard's Peculiar Energy Source to create a Rascal-Bot, which I named Walter, and finally a sprite! Dandelion Frolicker, a gift from Azadelta.
I am a little happier with my DPS atm, the fights after Norushen are much better for Ele! Frostwolves are now 4/14 Normal and 6/14 Flex. I look forward to every boss that isn't Norushen.


  1. هناك العديد من الأساليب الحديثة لنقل العفش التي تستفيد من التكنولوجيا والابتكار لتحسين كفاءة وسلامة عمليات نقل عفش. إليك بعض الأساليب الحديثة: استخدام الروبوتات:
    يمكن استخدام الروبوتات الذكية لنقل العفش داخل المنازل أو المباني. تقوم هذه الروبوتات بتحميل وتفريغ العفش بشكل آلي دون الحاجة إلى القوى البشرية.
